Now I don't condone violence against women, but I do have to wonder if these women did not put themselves in harm's way. Whenever they run these stories on the news, you always find out that the men that these women were with had a history of violence, drugs, domestic violence, theft, and various other crimes. Um... If I don't want to get bit by sharks, I don't go in the water with open wounds. If I don't want to get hit by cars, I don't play on the street. If I don't want to get murdered by a spouse/significant other, I don't hook up with criminals (not hard to do since I'm still single... sigh...).
I know Sockfoot, being experienced with many divorces, had explained it all to me before, but it still surprises me. I guess men will never understand women because women are irrational. Anyway, back to the point.
I've been rewatching several of my J-dramas again. Currently I'm watching a show called Hana Yori Dango. It fits perfectly with my topic.
This is Makino Tsukushi:
She comes from a poor family. She earned a scholarship at one of the most expensive private high schools in Japan. She's a tough kid, but is constantly being picked on because of her family's income.
Here is the F4:
They're the sons of the four richest families in Japan. They also run the school, and call themselves the F4, or Four Flowers. Not sure the gay meaning of that, but um, yeah.
Now if you cross the F4 and piss them off, they give you a red tag. Once you get a red tag, the entire school picks on you and harasses you until you drop out of school.
Tsukushi got a red tag from the F4 when she stood up to Domyouji Tsukasa, the leader of the F4.
During the course of the drama series, Tsukasa destroys Tsukushi's lunch, yells at her, threatens to kill her, kidnaps her, gets people to almost rape her, has people attack her, punches out her friend's boyfriend, and causes major grief to her family. He's hotheaded, has a quick temper, is violent, and isn't too bright.
On the other hand, Hanazawa Rui is quite different.
He's kind, quiet, and caring. He does not participate in the F4 hazings. He saved Tsukushi from being raped... twice. He also rescued her when she was being made the fool at a high class cocktail party. He's rich, but unpretentious. He's not a stuck up high class jerk. He also thinks of others whenever he does something.
Guess which guy Tsukushi ends up with.
Rui? Haha. Wrong!
She ends up with the jerk, but you already knew that. I bet all of you that read this knew it before I said it.
I'm thinking either women need to start thinking rationally, or they need to come with some sort of instructions or signs to help us out.
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