My friend is one of these lemmings. He sings the same hip hop song over and over. I think he wants us to think he's extreme. It almost worked too since he rides a dirtbike, hucks huge on a mountain bike, drives a 200+mph dragster, and owns a supercharged pickup truck. However, it turns out he's a bit gay when it comes to music.
His current favorite songs come from the Legally Blonde soundtrack hehe.
It's like that Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle movie.
In the movie there's a bunch of extreme sports punks who grief Harold and Kumar and everyone else they run into. But then when H and K steal the extreme punks' bronco and turn on the stereo, they find Wilson Phillips.
So what was the song that drew my friend's harassment? Modest Mouse's Float On.
Hey, I like the twangy sound and the interesting beat. I also like the message in the lyrics. At least it's not as gay as some of my other favorite songs.
Of course, all that music can cause waxy build up in the ears. And if there is one thing I love, it's cleaning my ears. It ranks way higher than picking my nose.
Amateur ear cleaners would most likely go for the Q-tip as their weapon of choice. Lame.
The true connoisseur would use the mimikure. Oddly enough, when I tried to find a picture of a mimikure on the internet, I couldn't find one. I found them under the name "mimikaki." I'm guessing that the word "mimikure," is a different dialect than the standard Japanese. It could be a word from southern Japan since my family came from there. I'm absolutely sure it's the right word too because when I was in Kyoto, I asked a shop keeper, "mimikure desuka," while pointing at the ear cleaners and she responded in the affirmative.
But who cares what the name is. This sucker is pure bliss.
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