Yeah. Like I'm going to write something special for him, a guy. If he was more androgynous, then maybe I would consider it. Then again, I don't think he would make a good looking girl. He would probably be worse as a transsexual.
So I was going to forget the whole idea when I realized that I did write blogs for other people before. Plus, I would get to mention Abbegirl once again.
So why do we like blondes?
I'm going to take a guess at my friend's reasoning. He signed a waiver allowing me full control over his written opinions. I've learned my lesson from a previous blog.
I'm betting that he likes blondes because the local girls around here drive him nuts. He's been teased, dicked, and played by many a local girl. He's had his heart broken and toyed with. However, he seems to look back fondly on his previous blonde girlfriends. I guess to him, previous experience shows that blonde girls treat him well.
I forgot that some of you reading this may actually be haole. The original meaning of haole was foreigner. Over the years it has changed and it now refers to Caucasians. (how-lay)
The local girls would be your non-haole. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Portuguese, Hawaiian, Polynesian would be races considered local.
After listening to my friend, and mentally going over what I know, I think he has a point about liking blondes. What I see at work, with my friends, and in the community are the low standards of the local girls. All they want is a nice piece of man-ass. Doesn't matter if the guy is as dumb as a pile of rocks. If he got a bod, they want him.
Right now the two or three local girls who read this gibberish will start to feel indignant. Doesn't matter though. I meet about a hundred new girls each year. The vast majority follow the same pattern. They all want the hot guy even if he couldn't reason his way out of a paper bag. It doesn't change. Argue all you want. The facts remain the same.
So I think my friend might actually be smart for once. Instead of going for the girls who will just toy with us and dick us over, perhaps we should be looking for someone outside of this established norm. We should be looking at the haole girls. Hey, maybe one of those pretty blonde girls would actually give a troll like me a chance.
I'm sure one of them would. When I'm taking a rest break on my motorcycle, I watch the tourist. I see fat guys, ugly guys, guys with no character, guys who dress like corpses, guys who smell bad, guys with no tact, stupid guys, all with beautiful blonde girls. WTF? You know those girls are actually looking at the soul of the man when they pick their mates, unlike the local girls who look at the schlong.
In comes Abbegirl. Abbegirl is a very popular contributor to YouTube. I saw her in one of Minouye's videos and I told my friend about her. Since then she has become our new "pinup girl." She's pretty, bright, talented, humorous, and a major firecracker. Of course it could be just her onscreen persona, but we'll take it.
Awesome, eh?
I was kind of hoping to make funny videos like that, but my attempt went over like a lead balloon. Let's just say that from now on, certain things will be off limits on my blog.
So yeah. I guess we like blondes because they simply KICK ASS!
1 comment:
That's crap.
Brunettes for the most part are smarter, wittier, and hotter.
Blondes are natures way of showing us that they didn't wanna pigment their hair to show how shallow, lifeless, and bland they are!
I hope I catch shit for that.
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