He's got a Snell approved helmet with attention-getting ears. A leather jacket with CE approved armor in the shoulders, elbows, and back. Full leather gloves with knuckle protection. Leather sport pants with hip padding and knee armor. He even has racing style boots that has ankle support and toe, heel, and shin armor. It's like he's afraid he's going to fall off his motorcycle.
Don't he know that chicks dig scars?
Even the doofuses in professional racing don't know that. Idiots.
The easiest and quickest way to get those honey-attracting scars is to get rid of all that stupid protection. Why spend hundreds or thousands of dollars when you can get band aids and neosporin for under $10?
Take a look at this smart and attractive couple. They're famous in the sportbike world. Their pictures made the rounds of all the major bike message boards and also made it into a major monthly publication that's not porn!
Learn from them. The best way to ride is with your eye protection off. Never cover your arms. They're the first place you need to scar. The girl is obviously cooler than the guy since she forgoes the tee for a tank. They lose points for the gloves though. The guy earns sissy points for wearing jeans even though jeans shred on asphalt after about three feet of sliding. He should be a man like the girl and wear shorts. The running shoes are ok since they neither protect your feet nor do they stay on in major accidents. The girl went for the ever popular slippers/thongs/flipflops.
They're prepped and ready to go for the beauty enhancing scar tissue. And there they go.
Man, her once beautiful, smooth, nicely tanned legs are gonna look awesome with scars all over. oooooooohhhh. I'm shivering.
Check out this hottie. A wet dream come true. She took a fall at triple digit speeds wearing a sweatshirt. Boing!
On a different note, here's a real life tip for those of you who ride.
Try compression shorts. They actually work. They provide support for your hams and glutes, helping prevent the dreaded "burning butt." You'll be able to ride longer and more comfortably wearing those compression shorts. The added bonuses are that they don't ride up and give you accidental thongs, and they keep your leathers from sticking to your sweaty body.
This applies to women too. The shorts aren't there to support a guy's nuts. Women have hams and glutes too, so they can also benefit from the shorts.
Or you could try those padded bike shorts. They do the same job.
Here's a pic of me in my compression shorts.
Just kidding. The guy is a model. I had to fire him though as his package does not do me any justice.
*The couple on the bike survived with minor injuries. The girl was going into shock when help arrived though. The road rashed girl is real. No photoshop.*
**Wear your gear**
Well, I just stumbled onto this and I have to admit, girls riding on shorts and flip flops are out of their pretty little minds. The pic with the bike *just* heading into a low-side slide just makes me cringe.
Girls: It only takes a mini-second to turn your legs, arms, torso into rash-burger when you aren't protected. Those scars will be with you for the rest of your life, so, when you're boyfriend moves on your stuck with 'em. All you have to do is explain them to the next guy as he's running out the door wondering how he got roped into some sucky-face with the Bride of Frankenstein.
Dress for success.
nice post love reading it.
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