Yeah, I'm full of anger in 2007 already. I hate women.
I only have about 30 minutes before I need to head out, so I'll try and convince her that not all women suck.
Meet the most perfect woman in the world: Kari Byron.
At first I was going to write everything myself, but when I did a little search on the internet doohickey, I realized I'm not the only one smitten with her. There are a lot of fan sites, so I may as well do what good authors do. I will steal.
Here is a short bio from the Discovery Channel website:
Without forethought, Kari Byron has trained to be a MythBuster since she was a kid. By the age of 5 she was setting up experiments to test on her sister and using dolls as crash test dummies. Luckily for her parents, they always caught her right before little sister took a ride down a laundry chute or was the subject of an "around-the-world" attempt on the playground swings.
After graduating from San Francisco State and traveling the world, Kari began her career as an artist, working in sculpture and painting and holding successful exhibitions at some of San Francisco's leading galleries. "Artist" was only one of many hats she wore while searching for her place in the world. Her sculpting skills and love for odd jobs soon led her into the field of model-making and toy-prototyping, which led to a job with Jamie Hyneman at M5 Industries. It was at M5 that Kari got her first big break with the MythBusters team.
During the "vacuum toilet" segment of one of the first episodes (which examined whether a person could get sucked into an airplane toilet), Jamie needed a 3-D scan of a person's backside, and Kari had the right ... well, you know. Basically, she was in the right place at the right time. The rest is history, although we'd be remiss if we overlooked Kari's former job experience as a secret martini shopper, rose delivery driver and store mannequin to foil shoplifters — just to name a few. Who knew that a degree in film and sculpture would actually be applicable to a real-life career one day?
Now Kari works with the MythBusters team, using science and Yankee ingenuity to solve the mysteries of today's most compelling urban legends.
And to prove that I'm not the only one who lusts after her, here's her FHM article. If you've been living under a rock for the last few years, FHM is the new Playboy. Men jerk off to it for the articles.
Just what is her appeal? I don't have too much time, so I'll just try and hit a few.
She's smart. She likes science and thinks things through logically.
She can be ladylike.
Yet still be handy when you need to fix or build things.
She's sexy. The fact that the brains match the bod has an exponential effect on her sexiness. Or whatever mathematical term is supposed to be used.
She's not afraid to be the butt of a joke. She had her ass digitized. She counted farts on tv. She even participated in an experiment to see if she farts.
She's adventurous. She volunteers to test many of the experiments on the show.
She can also be a tomboy. Nothing is hotter than a pretty girl who can really work a tool.
In all, Kari Byron is the perfect woman. At least the version we see on tv. She blends femininity and ass kicking so well it's hard not to like/love her.
So Mel, not all women suck. Which can be a good thing or bad, depending on how you read that. But if we look hard enough (ouch, more puns) we can find beautiful people around us. If you keep looking, I will too.
*many of these images can be found here: Nuclear Beef*
**ok, my mind went weird halfway through. I hope this all made sense.**
I guess I should have made myself clear. I don't make friendships with women, b/c I know they're self serving, back-stabbing, selfish, idiotic, shallow cows, and none are to be trusted, (except Vivian from "The Munsters," think about that one.)
Thanks for trying to fucking give "womanhood" some semblance of dignity. You chose poorly on the example, because I'm sure that red headed slut will make someone in her life brilliantly miserable.
Men suck too for that matter, you guys can't fucking tell your feelings if they stuck scolding hot ben-wa balls up your ass.
I think I'll just go back to being an emotional hermit. Sounds like a fucking plan to me.
And further more....
On this example: You're using someone from "TV," for crying outloud. You have NO idea what this person is like outside of her "livelihood."
I'm sure you meant well, blogging what you did, I understand that..
All I see right now in people, is bull shit. Myself included. Sorry. Maybe talk to me in 10 years when I'm over being a therapists wet dream. Only two pure things in my life is my two daughters, and that's all that really frikkin' matters to me.
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