Since I was up, I figured I would turn on the computer and convert some J-drama files from softsub to hardsub. If I didn't mention it earlier, I love watching TV shows from Japan.
Once my computer booted up, my Windows Messenger activated. I didn't even realize it was set on automatic. I was immediately nailed by an IM from a XX friend.
XX: Hi!
Me: Hi. Sorry. Just woke up.
XX: Morning wood?
Funny she should ask. She hit the nail on the head. I explained the whole story.
I was planning on sleeping in late since it's Sunday, and my noisy neighbors haven't been running the welders in the mornings lately. However, I had to wake up at 7 AM to pee. Since it was still early, I crawled back into bed to go back to sleep.
Then it happened.
Morning wood.
I figured I would just fall asleep and everything would be normal. I was wrong. I must have been thinking of something good because this sucker would just not go away. Now any post-puberty male can tell you that a boner, if left untreated, will cause aches and pains. So after 90 minutes, I gave up trying to sleep and got out of bed. I figured doing the file conversions would be non-sexual enough to ease the swelling.
No, it wasn't blueballs.
XX: Ninety minutes?!?
Me: Yeah. But I had worse.
Remember Virginia? The Eastern Unintelligentsia?
Well, there was an incident where she came into my room and woke me up at the crack of noon. Luckily Hilo can be a chilly place, and I was snug under the blankets.
She couldn't see that I was hiding yet another incident of MWS, Morning Wood Syndrome.
It wasn't the typical case of MWS. This one was bad. It was like someone took off the pressure regulator. Mini-me felt like it was going to explode. To top it off, I had to pee. Bad.
So there I was, wearing only boxers, hiding my manhood under a blanket, holding in my pee, with a cute girl sitting on my bed next to me. Sometimes I wish I was an extrovert.
A Different XX Friend Sometime Later: You should have just whipped it out and taken care of it. Tell her if she didn't like it, she could leave.
Like I said, "sometimes I wish I was an extrovert."
I couldn't do it. All I could do was chat and hide for what felt like an eternity. Virginia eventually left, but the wood remained.
I had to bend and contort into several different angles to get a flow going. It was the hardest time I had peeing. Pardon the pun.
I love morning wood. :D
I like to poke at it and laugh.
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