I sometimes consider myself a part-time intelligentsia, at least in my corner of the world I am. I believe I help disseminate and develop culture on my little rock. For those who don't know me, I teach metaphysical education and paranormal phychiatry. Heavy stuff.
Now being a member of the intelligentsia is tough work. You have to be a role model. You will never know when someone is watching, so you always have to be on your best behavior. For me it means that even if I have flatus, I cannot expell it. I must hold on to that commodity to protect the image that my sh!t don't stink. I cannot scratch myself because the general public believes that my balls are perfect spheres. The work day can be tiring.
Once the work day is done and I head home, it's still not all fun and games. In the afternoon, I correspond with other semi-intelligentsia from around the world. This is why I rarely write in pidgin. I have readers from many states, including the 51st state, Canada. I also have an avid reader and deviate from the UK. I call them "semi" because although they are very smart, they fear outsiders. Thus, they don't fit the social qualification.
Enter Lorn and Lauren, the Unintelligentsia.
No Lorn, I am not calling you stupid.
The unintelligentsia, though intelligent, have the power to utterly destroy any attempts to develop meaningful culture. This is not always a bad thing since we know a lot of American culture stinks. In fact, the unintelligentsia are incredible people to have around. They are so obnoxious that you can't help but laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh.
The unintelligentsia have no problem using words like fukk, sh!t, kuhnt in the presence of 5 year olds.
The unintelligentsia ponder, out loud, how it would be like to ride a motorcycle naked.
The unintelligentsia name my masculine, noble steed, Suzie.
The unintelligentsia say things like: You crash more often than I change underwear.
The unintelligentsia hit people really hard in places that lack armor just to test armor.
The unintelligentsia steal 20 packets of ketchup for 2 cheeseburgers and some fries.
The unintelligentsia will exclaim, "eureka," then disappear for 30 minutes before returning to explain that they learned how to move their a$$ an inch.
The unintelligentsia love to throw shoes.
The unintelligentsia don't mind body hair, hairy legs, or furry armpits.
The unintelligentsia speak a special sort of twin language. Much like Jodie Foster in Nell. Tayay een da ween!
The unintelligentsia will point out that although your head, back, shoulders, arms, hands, hips, knees, shins, ankles, feet are protected, your sacks are exposed.
The unintelligentsia make fun of your car.
The unintelligentsia do wind sprints at 4000 feet elevation and come back gasping, just for fun.
The unintelligentsia, upon finding out someone is your classmate, will say, "wow, Lo Pan [classmate] is really old."
The unintelligentsia never watched Big Trouble in Little China.
The unintelligentsia love watching you crash.
In the end, the unintelligentsia are just plain fun to be around. They have many saving graces. For one, they aren't afraid to get a little dirty if it means they can work on cars.
They're bikers.
and they are genuinely nice people, some of the times.
*The last statement was made under duress. I know if I say otherwise, Lorn will hit me again.*
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