My name, Nonwheezer, has nothing to do with any bands. I used to smoke. I used to have asthma attacks. I've quit both after I started huffing and puffing after a rough bout of typing. Was it weird to make up a name like that? Weird score: 5
I grew up on a little Hawaiian island. I went through all grade schools here. I even attended UH. I did live on Oahu for a bit, and also the Big Island. I did manage to get kicked out of college by playing pool and video games all night long. Weirdness factor: 3
I'm currently a teacher for the Department of Education. I get paid barely above the national poverty line. I take sh!t from kids. I take sh!t from parents. I take sh!t from every Tom, Dick, and Harry who thinks they know anything about education. Doesn't bother me too much. I'm smarter than the kids and most of the parents, and TDH knows Jack and Sh!t. Yet I continue working because I believe that maybe I can actually help someone someday. Weirdo rating: 7
My personality? I hate using profanity around kids. Yes, they do imitate. If not, then they do realize that many adults actually do condone the use of profanity. Then, of course, the adults blame the schools.
I also try to expand my vocabulary each week. I don't go out memorizing the dictionary or anything. I just try to use different words that a lot of people wouldn't use in casual conversation. (indefatigable)
I believe in speaking politely to others. There was a nice movie quote that goes something like this: Manners are a way we show other people we care about them.
Weirdness: 9
My interests vary. I'm kind of eclectic. I used to rollerblade, speardive, fish, bowl, play in a bar dart league, drag race, play video games, play D&D, play in a band, get drunk, get stoned, and drive really fast. Weird rating: 8
Now I have two things I really enjoy. Riding my motorcycle, as you see from the profile, and mountain biking. Normally those would be considered k3wl, but I just ordered these:
so now the Weirdness rating is a 7.
What kind of music do I listen to? Major mixed up genres here. I just listen to what I enjoy. I have favorite songs by Beethoven, System of a Down, Offspring, Ayumi Hamasaki, Masaharu Fukuyama, Seal, LEN, Will Smith, whatever. Notice the hard rock, soft rock, alternative, rap? Those would be considered ok. The jpop, and classical gives me a major hit in the Weirdgnads. 8.
I love movies. All kinds of movies. Well, most kinds. Want to see a list of what's on my shelf?
The Court Jester (Danny Kaye musical)
On Guard (French swashbuckling)
Grandma's Boy (Happy Madison comedy)
Guns and Talks (Korean adventure)
Densha Otoko (Japanese romance)
Yellowbeard (cult comedy classic)
12 Angry Men (Henry Fonda version)
Pretty mixed eh? Weirdo 6
Currently I watch Mythbusters. It's a show where nerds are cool. If you don't get the show, you're probably not nerdy enough to understand the science behind the fun and jokes. Kari Byron is hot too. And smart!
I also watch Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. The Venture Brothers is a great show. Well thought out, clever, yet also action packed and raunchy.
Besides Heroes, I don't watch much regular tv. I watch Japanese tv shows. I just finished the Bayside Shakedown series and now I'm on Garo.
Weirdy 6
Growing up my heroes were Kamen Rider V3 and Spiderman. V3 was a motorcycle rider who witnessed a murder by a terrorist organization. In retaliation, the terrorists kill his family. V3 under goes cybernetic surgery to make him into a grasshopper-like fighting machine. Henshin V3! kick ass.
I liked Spiderman because he didn't have much luck. He had power, but because he did think about it, his uncle got killed. He didn't have a cushy job or a billion dollars to support him. He struggled to make ends meet while balancing school and crime fighting. With the exception of having superpowers, he was real. But these henshin heroes and comic books champions make us nerdy. Weirdo factor 9.
Let's tally up the score. Add one, carry the two..
Ah, who gives a sh!t. You know, there are days when people will tease you. There are days when people try to get you down. Sure it can make you feel bad. Make you feel stupid. Make you feel angry. But what really matters is how you feel inside.
I get days when I get frustrated. I get days when I wish I was someone else. Who doesn't?
But then again, I get these wonderful little incidents. Like the time I was walking through an airport lobby. Several former students saw me and immediately yelled out my name. They crowded around me, happy to see me. Apparently they liked me. One of them even hugged me. In those little moments, I'm happy that I am who I am. Of those people who teased me or tried to put me down, how many of them can say that they made a difference in someone's life? How many can say they opened up the future of opportunities for a child?
So what is my Weirdness Rating? A big fat 1. And let me show it to you.
Hehe. I crack myself up.
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