But first, there was a movie to see.
BB: Hey, what do you want to do tonight?
Nonwheezer: I don't know. Maybe we can just hang out and suck face?
BB: The new Jet Li movie came out.
NW: Really? Oh! Hmmm....!
BB: Hehe.
NW: Oh... I told Machu Pichu we would go and visit her this week. Wait. What if we go and see her before we go to the movie?
BB: OK. That sounds good.
NW: Yeah. Let me call her and let her know we're coming. I'll get her to cook us dinner too. She likes to barbecue.
NW: Hey MP, what are you doing tomorrow night?
MP: Nothing. Why?
NW: BB and I will come over to your place.
MP: OK. What time?
NW: Oh, I figure about 6. We'll be going to the movies later. I would invite you along, but it's a Jet Li movie, and you hate kung fu.
MP: Yeah. 6? You guys want to have dinner?
NW: I thought you'd never ask.
MP: Haha! Yeah, right. So chicken?
NW: Nah. Steak. I plan on cooking chicken for BB for my second try.
MP: Steak? You gonna buy the steak for me?
NW: No.
MP: Bastard.
(that evening...)
I headed over to BB's place after dinner. We stayed in and watched a movie and sucked face.
The next evening we went over to MP's place and had steaks. After that, we headed to the movies.
Jet Li in the Mummy, yeah!
... errr.... no...
The movie sucked. Right off the bat, the movie was already putting me off. First, they said the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi, buried dead workers in the Great Wall. Um, you can't build a sturdy fortification with organic corpses that can rot away, weakening your structure.
Second, the picture they showed of the Great Wall...
Was really the Ming Wall, built over 1500 years later.
When I pointed out these errors, BB said, "you're so sexy when you talk history." Heh. I love her.
If you get free tickets to watch this movie, scalp them. When the movie was done, all I could think was that it was a waste of Jet Li. BB agreed saying that they really didn't need Jet Li to kick Brendan Fraser's ass. They could have gotten some random person to do that.
The following day, I took BB to the grocery store. It was dinner attempt #2. However, it figured that the store wouldn't have the kind of chicken I was looking for.
Chicken... how hard could it be to find chicken breasts?
I found some chicken patties and suggested dinner ala school lunch. BB just gave me a look. Pass on that idea.
So we ate out. Imu Hut. Good teri-fried chicken. If you're ever in Hanapepe, HI, try this place.
To make up for the lame movie, we watched another kung fu movie. This time with Jackie Chan. And even better, the bullshit in this movie was purely intentional.
BTW, dinner attempt #3 was successful. Baked chicken breast. heh.