This afternoon was motorcycle cleaning day. I normally wash my bike maybe
once every two or three months. It's hard to do because if it's nice
enough of a day to wash, it's nice enough to ride instead. But since I
spent the morning trying to knee drag, I decided it was time to clean off the seat.
Gxs-rGIRRRL called. She asked if she could stop by and get a CD-Rom I made for her. It contained a service manual for her bike. Any mechanic would tell you that a good
service manual is worth it's weight in plutonium. When she arrived, she
was dressed to the nines. I thought it was weird that she dressed up to
pick up a little disk, but that's the unintelligentsia for you.
We chatted while I finished wiping down the bike. Then she went to go play with my dog. I gave her a couple of doggie treats to give to the the pitbull. So she fed him and petted him and talked to him. Then as we were walking away, she said, "I gave him a doggie boner."
I was in shock and the best comeback I could make was, "I'll be sure not to shake your hand."
Then she found this dead spider that I washed off my bike. She played with it like it was a toy.
I don't know about you guys, but these spiders can grow as big as your
hand and they make me scream like a girl. I've had them crawl all over
me before. Didn't phase her at all. I think at one point she even
considered eating it.
I left her a present on the CD. It's appropriately titled too. It's a video called: L****getsmad. hehe.
She was too afraid to turn up the volume on her first viewing. I'm sure once she does, she'll laugh about it then decide on an appropriate form of revenge. (I made her
sound like the Marlboro Man.)
***Added: I was also ordered by the unintelligentsia to burn another CD. I like how the order came in a roundabout way.
"I want to see that video of me, the one from far away, that you took, but bigger and not all pixellated."
(dramatic pause)
"Go burn it to CD for me."
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